Thursday, May 10, 2012

Let's start at the very beginning...

I think it will be helpful to explain how I got to the need to start this blog.

Confession: I am an over-researcher, and and under-doer. I can research until the cows come home about how to do almost anything creative, whether tactile or intellectual, but freeze up when the time comes to execute the thing that I have been researching. This is an attempt to put a stop to a frankly stupid habit. If I want to be a better writer, I have to get out there and just do it!

A short synopsis of how I got to the greater NY area:

My soon-to-be husband and I met at college in Baltimore, where we were very active in our theatre department. Through one of our professors, I got an opportunity to assistant direct for him in a NYC Off-off Broadway premier. As we had very close friends in the NY/NJ area, we decided to move in with our excellent sarcastic friend from college in Jersey City.

The day after graduation, we drove up to New Jersey. (I remember looking at the Statue of Liberty and thinking "What a cute Statue of Liberty model!", forgetting that it was the real deal.)

After spending two crazy (unpaid) months working on my first professional credit, I ended up floundering about in the unemployment pool for a few weeks, generally feeling worthless without work that would be intellectually stimulating. This was not alleviated by my employment at a grocery store with an overly perky attitude. At the same time, I was slated by my non-profit theatre company to direct one of the two short plays for our premier production.

While working at the store provided me a way to make money (though not enough to pay bills), I was hit with a wave of crippling depression, only made worse by the anxiety of losing actors and wrestling with members of my own company. While I managed (by the skin of my teeth) to get through the production process, I also learned that I need to cut myself a little slack and be willing to ask for help when I need it.

I am going to continue tomorrow. With the note, please remind me that when I help, I should ask for it. Like a normal person.


Amanda said...

Of course I read the title of this post and immediately hummed to myself "a very good place to start."

Magz said...

That was the intention, dear!